
Archive for the ‘Meet the Writers’ Category

Well, the time is drawing near when “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Roadwill be on display at The International Book Fair in Beijing. The book is scheduled to be shown by the Jenkins Book Group to various book retailers that are looking for books to stock on their shelves.

I can tell you that from the looks of things, the novel has been practically flying off the virtual shelves at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com!

If you’re in the area on Aug 30, 2007 – Sep 3, 2007, please feel free to meet Alan Solomon at this book fair.

Taryn Simpson is a professional ghostwriter specializing in novels. To read more about Taryn’s work, read the latest article from The Tennessean: Ghostwriter Connects across Continents

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Welcome Readers! Have I got a treat for you. Recently, I caught up with authors, Alan Solomon and Taryn Simpson and asked for an email interview. Solomon and Simpson teamed up to write The Mango Tree Cafe’ Loi Kroh Road. What is stunning about this union, is Solomon makes his home in Asia, and Simpson resides in the USA.

Here’s what Taryn Simpson and Alan Solomon had to say:
How did you come across this project?

TS: A writer friend of mine got a lead from a gentleman that had written a rough draft of a book and needed someone to “punch it up”. She forwarded the book to me because it was fiction and she knows that it’s my speciality. I thought it was going to be ‘just another writing job’. Enter Alan Solomon and The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road. I read the synopsis he wrote for the book and was immediately taken with it. Why did you write this book?

AS: I received the power to write this novel from the moment I entered Loi Kroh Road and felt the mysterious magic of the street.

What was it like working with another author from a different part of the world? Were there barriers? Name one?

TS: Absolutely! Being an American, it’s hard for me to fathom that people in other countries don’t have the same freedoms that we do. Even when it comes to something minor such as the internet. If you have lived in the USA your entire life, you tend to adopt the mindset of “If I have a certain freedom, surely everyone else has it too”. Although watching the news I know differently. It’s just different when you become aware of how rich our freedoms are in this country when you hear people from different parts of the country talk about certain limitations they have. For example, when I created the blog for the book, Alan wasn’t able to see it online for quite some time due to China’s strict internet laws. TS (continues): Another barrier was I had a certain time frame where I could catch Alan on line. Remember, if the time in Nashville, TN USA is 8pm, it is 8am in Beijing. So, when I’m winding down from the day, Alan is beginning his. From 7:30pm my time until however late I could make myself stay up is when we had brief conversations about the book. Once I logged off for the night, Alan would leave me emails for the next morning (which is his night!). It was crazy!

AS: No barriers working with Taryn, Taryn was so enthusiastic and so helpful, for me it was like we were seated in the same bar side-by-side discussing our next move.

How long did it take you to write The Mango Tree Cafe’? Were friends, family members supportive?

TS: Well, that’s hard to say. Although the book was written, I re-wrote roughly half of it and added/deleted sections of the book. Generally a novel takes 2-3 months or maybe more. That’s not including editing. Yes, my partner endured many conversations about the book. When I become enthralled with a book, look out. I talk about it non-stop!

AS: The novel from start to finish took around 4 years, however the ‘pull’ to write was in my head for as long as I can remember, probably in High School. My family and friends never knew I was writing the Mango Tree Cafe, however if they had known they would have been supportive with a roar of laughter.

Without giving too much away, what is your favorite part of The Mango Tree Cafe? Do you have one?

TS: Oh, this is going to be difficult. Overall, I loved the fact that I got “lost” in this book as a reader. I’ve never been to Thailand and never had a yen to go. But, the events of the novel were so real to me that I felt like I have been there. It was a very strange feeling. And, meeting people in Nashville that had actually been there was just surreal. TS (continues): I love many sections of the book. The ones that stand out in my mind is the metamorphisis the main character goes through. It covers from the time he is a child to current age of around 50ish. He is able to gain a realization about himself and his father which is very melancholy at best. It’s a sweet, sad, and all too painfully familiar feeling of knowing what it feels like to be so ultimately different from others and realizing that regardless of the lifestyle you lead, you can’t run from what is inside yourself. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is a very poignant story. I promise you will be in tears at the end. Not to mention that the setting includes visions of a lush jungle full of exotic fish, elephants and street dogs. I tried to put that feel in the You Tube video I did for it.

AS: In the novel there are many personal favorite parts I enjoy, however I guess if I had to identify just one part I would have to say it was when Larry realized he lost his only love Noo and to the end of the novel believed he was hearing her and seeing her and that someday she would return to him.

Did you accomplish everything you set out to do when writing this story?/strong>

TS: I think so. This question would probably be better served if answered by Alan Solomon. But, after he read the final draft I sent him. I could tell he was quite pleased.

AS: Yes I believe so.

What do you want readers to come away with after reading your story?

TS: I have to remind people that the story was created by Alan. But I want people to come away with whatever makes them think about the book. It has a lot of messages and there is one for everybody. I loved how the book describes the misfits of Loi Kroh Road as beautiful and exotic. Yet, the lives they lead were very gritty and difficult.

AS: Questioning life and how things happen to us as we travel through life which we can miss unless we are alert and seize the moment.

Are you working on anything at this time? Can you share what it is? TS: I’m having to FORCE myself to move on from this book! LOL. I’m marketing the heck out of it as we speak. But, I have a couple of ideas for books that I am working on. The Mango Tree book has created a real desire in me to start writing “literary fiction” much in the same vein as “The Color Purple”, or “A River Runs Through it”. This book is pivotal in my career. My next book is tentatively entitled “Invisible Fences”. Although it can change.

AS: I am thinking all the time, I watch and listen and keep a notebook. Something may happen. I am not too sure.

Any advice to a writer in the process of writing her own book?

TS: Some writers will say write at any cost. I say write when you have alone time and if you don’t have it, make time to write. Even if it is for 10 or 20 minutes a day. Don’t be discouraged. Get it down. Worry about deleting or editing later. Listen to music or do an activity such as people watching that will help you get in the mood for what you are writing because I think it bleeds through.

AS: Place a mirror on your writing desk and as you write occasionally look up and you will see what your next line is to be, because looking right back at you will be the lines, the eyes sending you the message and experience of life.

Thank you, Taryn, Thank you, Alan, for your time. Much success with The Mango Tree Cafe Loi Kroh Road. I’m off to do get a mirror and do the 10-20 minute-a-day writing thing!

You have permission to contact Linda Della Donna to do an interview at littleredmailbox@aol.com


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2007 Tour of the Southland by the numbers:

Miles traveled: 4000+
States visited: Seven
Colleges toured/visited: Four
Scorpions sighted: Zero
Days on the road: 11
Days it rained: Seven
Hotels: Four

DAY ONE: June 27-DC-Bristol, TN
DAY TWO: June 28-Bristol, TN-Nashville, TN (visited UT) dinner Bosco’s with Jeff and Miramichee girls Kellye & Betsy.
DAY THREE: June 29, Breakfast at Noshville with old friend, Emily, Nashville-Memphis, TN, dinner at Cafe Ole with many delightful Miramichee girls and assorted others of all ages and sexes.
DAY FOUR: Memphis, reading at National Civil Rights Museum, lunch at the Rendezvous, H.S. reunion in evening with fabulous-looking former classmates.
DAY FIVE: Memphis to New Orleans, tour of French Quarter


DAY SIX: Tour of Tulane and the Garden District, drive to my brother’s ranchette near Wimberley, Texas.
DAY SEVEN: Tour of San Marcos and the Aquarena, a strange nature center that used to be a water amusement park featuring mermaids and Ralph the Swimming Pig. I remember this from childhood. We took the glass-bottomed boat to see the springs and then the boardwalk over a swamp and saw herons and scissortail flycatchers.
DAY EIGHT: Toured San Antonio, childhood home, and River Walk. Watched fireworks from my brother’s deck


DAY NINE: Toured Austin, University of Texas. Headed out after tour returned and made it to Texarkana by 11 p.m.
DAY TEN: Texarkana to Nashville.
DAY ELEVEN: Nashville to D.C.

New Orleans

We went to New Orleans on the 2007 Tour of the Southland. The first time I had been back since Katrina. I had been there for a week in June 2001 staying at the Ritz Carlton for a convention where I was on the staff.
Physically where we were this year (the French Quarter and the Garden District) we saw little obvious damage. The Super Dome is rebuilt of course. We saw lots of construction and a couple of burned houses in the Garden District, near Carrollton Ave. Otherwise it was as beautiful and exotic as it has ever been, hinting of so much. But but but … the energy has been sucked out. The streets are not as crowded.

dscn0644.jpgA sign at Cafe du Monde on Jackson Square says, “Please seat yourself.” The last two times I was in New Orleans the lines were blocks long to get a seat. Bourbon Street had people, we saw a crew of tap-dancing kids leaving, there were eccentrics and freaks, but not so many, not so flamboyant. The old black man with a white beard singing “Sitting on a Dock of the Bay” on Jackson Square was really good, but he didn’t have much money in his guitar case.


I was born in Texas, in San Antonio. We moved to Memphis when I was six. This trip we went back to San Antonio, saw the house where we lived and went downtown to the Alamo and the River Walk. I thought I would remember it, have that emotional kick of memory. Nothing. We saw Joske’s, the department store whose jingle I remember perfectly. Nothing. It was like I had never seen it before. Same with the Alamo. I only remembered it as if I’d seen it in pictures.


We went through the Villetta, the old city where my brother tells me I always begged to go to the old glassblowers shop. ??? Really? The glassblowers shop just closed last year. It had opened a few years after I was born. Strange, strange. The River Walk was lovely though.
And in Austin, I couldn’t get a sense of the city at all either. The coolness doesn’t hang in the air. I think I missed trees. I’ve lived so long in the East that the absence of big trees is oppressive.
But the part of the University of Texas we saw was wonderful. We went to see the dormitory our mother lived in when she was at Texas for one year in the 1930s. Littlefield Hall. Totally enchanting


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Hello from the newest writer moving onto the block! I’m thrilled to be part of this great group of writers. Let me set down my things and introduce myself.

My name is LaShawn. I’m an African American stay-at-home mother of a 3-year-old little boy. I’ve been making up stories since kindergarten, but it wasn’t until college that I took the first steps in becoming a writer. My favorites stories had always been in the fantasy genre, a favorite I share with my grandmother. However, back then, there were very few books, if any, that had African characters in it. I wanted to change that, so I started working on my first fantasy novel I titled “The Weeping of the Willows”. That was at the beginning of 1994.

Yesterday, I finally finished the first draft of that novel.

It’s a pretty hefty novel–over 460,000 words. Granted, I’m not that slow of a writer. Out of the thirteen years between when I first started the book and when I typed “The End”, there was at least seven years where I didn’t write a thing. No stories, no novel, nothing. Part of that was due to graduating college, adjusting to married life, and working as a full-time secretary for an African mission office. But part of that also stemmed from being just too drained of creative energy. After spending all day in the office, I’d come home too pooped to do anything but veg. There was a tiny part of me that wanted to write, craved to write–during the first couple years of my marriage, I kept up my writing skills by doing fanfiction, which didn’t require creating original characters. It satisfied my writing bug a little, but soon I was too exhausted to even work on that (plus, back in those days, our house only had one computer–and when you have two techno savvy people fighting for it all the time, things can get pretty ugly).

So for seven years, I did not write. The story inside me faltered, then dwindled to a wisp. Occasionally, I journalled. But mostly I moped. I used to brag that I could take anything and make a story out of it, but I couldn’t do that anymore. Nothing came out. So I worked, came home, and pretty much figured I wouldn’t write anything again.

All that changed when my son was born.

My husband and I had agreed that I would stay home with him. So I left my job, intending to take on a part-time secretarial job with our church. But it didn’t pan out as well as I thought. For one thing, it ain’t easy trying to breastfeed a screaming six-month-old and type on the computer when your pastor is in the next room trying to work on a sermon (I gotta give props to my pastor, though. He was pretty patient and never once complained about the noise). When I realized it was too much for me to handle, I stepped down. I wanted to work, but I wanted to do it on my own terms in a way that would help me to be with my son.

Then, out of nowhere, this little voice nudged me: Say, didn’t you always wanted to be a writer when you grew up? Don’t you think that time is now?

For the first time, I thought about that novel I didn’t finished. Well…yeah. I guess I am all grown up now, aren’t I? So I pulled it out of the file cabinet I’d thrown it into, intending to finish it…and that’s when I realized that I had written about sixteen chapters worth of crap. I had completely forgotten my characters and plotlines, some of the stuff I written were physically impossible, even for a fantasy world, and there were so errors in the text that if I was to write it again, I needed to start over from scratch. A very daunting prospect indeed for someone who hadn’t written a thing in several years.

But here’s something–all those years of not writing did teach me a lot. Working in an African mission office, I learned much about African culture–I even had a chance to go to Africa with my boss in 2002. When I read my story over, I saw that what I had assumed was African culture was false. What I knew now gave me ideas on how to flesh the story out, making the story a lot stronger than it was when I started. I also was able to approach the story with a fresh, new perspective of being older and (presumably) wiser.

I didn’t start rewriting the book right away, but I did start taking steps into becoming a writer: I started writing more. I did practice exercises. I wrote a short story and sent it off, and it got picked up by Mytholog. I attended a Writer’s Festival in Aurora and got to speak to many authors who gave wonderful advice. And after that festival, I started rewriting my book from scratch. That was six years ago.

So now that I’ve given you all this history on the novel I wrote, I’m letting you know that I’m not going to work on it anymore. I’m putting “Weeping of the Willows” on hiatus.

Oh, don’t worry. I don’t intend on letting it sit for another seven years. Seven weeks is more like it. While it’s good to involve yourself in a work, sometimes, it does wonders for your creativity to let a work sit and simmer at the back of your mind for a while. What I want to do is let my book rest for a couple of months while I focus more on short stories and just some fun writing for a while. Then, when I am ready to return to it, I’ll be able to look at it with fresh eyes, be able to figure out what needs to stay, what needs to go, what needs to be revised, and what needs to be added (though I do hope that when I finish the second draft, the word count will at least be cut in half).

Even though I’ve accomplished writing a book, I still feel that I’m just starting out as a writer. There’s so much I have to learn, not just honing my skills, but also learning the technical side, and of course, enduring rejection after rejection after rejection. I don’t know if this book will ever make the bestseller list–I don’t even know if a publisher will take it. But I’m going to try my hardest to make it so. And I am deeply honored that you get to share this journey with me, all the trials and tribulations, and all the joys and jubilations, too.

Because in the end, it’s all about the stories, right?

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With a new month comes new opportunities for me. I recently attended a book fair and met a Hastings representative. After a short visit, he told me he wants to put my books into some of his regional stores. You better believe I got copies to him ASAP. He told me it could take up to six weeks to get things in place, so I’m hoping by the end of this month to have good news.

I’m also waiting on news for a two-novel book deal. This has been ongoing for a long time. Hopefully this month will bring a positive answer.

Then, later this summer (not exactly in May), one of my books will be shown in the BookExpo in NYC. I’ve never entered anything there before, and am interested to see how it turns out.

My website has just been revamped to sell my books from there. Getting secure shopping carts hooked up is quite an endeavor. But, it’s done now, and I love the results. If you have a second, take a look.

I also just released my third novel, “Black Wolf at Rosebud”. So far, sales have been good. I truly hope the website and Amazon bring in more.

Then, there’s a novel I’m trying to finalize, but I’ve been stuck for a good long while. I’m looking for someone who can help me get it straightened out, and think perhaps I’ve found that person. I just have to ask them.

So, how are the rest of you doing?


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a>Alan Solomon taking a coffee breakSo what type of person does it take to write “The Mango Tree Cafe’, Loi Kroh Road”? Meet Alan Solomon as this very private man invites you in to his side of the world and all his wondrous experiences.

Then you will learn about me, also very private with wonderous experiences. Then, watch our progress as we collaborate to write The Mango Tree Cafe’, Loi Kroh Road. 1 author in Beijing, China, and 1 author in Nashville, TN USA. And, one very strong internet connection.

Alan Solomon was raised in New Zealand but left the country to live and work overseas. He traveled to countless vivid locations and witnessed events enthralling and tragic, but not until reaching a small village in the jungles of Mae Rim, 40 minutes from Chiangmai, Thailand, did he feel overcome by the inspiration and urge to write of the individuals, places and creatures he saw each day. The influences of the natural warmth of the Thai people, the lush, green countryside and the unpolluted spirits of the animals – particularly the elephants – affected him more with each passing moment, and so Alan spent great periods of time with these lovely, caring beauties.

Some time after his arrival and at the behest of a friend, Alan took an unplanned walk down Loi Kroh Road, a street that exposed him to the other side of Chiangmai, a place of dirty avenues and alleyways that also concealed some of the most beautiful art and local fashion shops in the town. The street had a mystical pull and spiritual feel – not always a positive spirit but not overtly malevolent either – and as a result he purchased a small restaurant, naming it The Mango Tree Café. The café became very popular, and within eighteen months the number of staff grew from the original three to a bustling twenty.

Alan spent much of his time seated in a cane chair on the veranda of the café watching the life of the street; during this time he received the inspiration to write a novel named after the street and the café.

Upon the novel’s completion, Alan searched for a person who would sort his thoughts and sentences into something more presentable; here he found Caroline Killmer, who spent hours structuring the novel and guiding the flow of his words. Once Caroline completed her task, Alan searched for a professional writer who could infuse his words with the clear vision he wished to express. Through sheer good fortune writer Taryn Simpson acquired a copy of the story, and with her skills the novel sprung into animated life, vibrantly channeling Alan’s experiences of Loi Kroh Road.

Alan previously has written short stories and poetry; this is his first novel. He currently resides in Beijing, China.

Email me for more info about the book: alansolomon54@hotmail.com

Taryn SimpsonTaryn Simpson
Taryn’s background not only includes writing, but she also enjoyed success as a classically trained musician. She participated in a master class with Leigh_Howard_Stevens, famed marimba expert. She also performed with Beaumont and Lake Charles Symphony Orchestras where one of the featured artists included Doc Severinson. She was accepted to the University of Texas at Arlington’s college level percussion camp when she was 12 years old, auditioned at the famed Juilliard school in New York at the age of 17. She holds a Bachelor of Music in percussion and counts her musical background as an important stepping stone to her successful writing career. Although she loves music, she discovered that writing was her true passion.

Today, Simpson has written 2 screenplays, 3 books and is about to have her fictional thriller, “Glittering Secrets” converted to an independent film. She is pursuing Ashley Judd for the title role and expects the film to be complete by late summer 2006. Her other screenplay, “Conversations with Pearl” garnered attention from the Project Greenlight critics and is currently being shopped to various companies. Taryn’s company, Simpson – E Publishing is quickly growing into a very profitable business.

Her Ghostwriting clients have raved about her writing skills and have included such comments as:
Ghostwriting Services – Fictional Thriller
“I just read the first two chapters, when does the movie come out!?”

“You are an excellent writer.. Agatha Christie does not have anything on you.”
Ghostwriting Services – Fiction Novel

“…I can’t believe it. Either you are John Grisham writing under psuedonym, or you’re the best damn writer I have ever read…”

Ghostwriting Services – Fiction Novel
I only have one word to express what I have read…Awesome…no maybe the word PROFOUND might serve the chapters better. Great Job!


Ghostwriting Services – Fictional Thriller Novel
“Whew…I got a serious RUSH while reading the end!!! You are great!, I really feel you entered my
story and brought it to life!”


And there you have it. A bit about both writers. Make a point to follow our progress. You won’t regret it.

That’s a promise.

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The Writing Show recently interviewed me about short stories, the process of writing them, and my book Portraits in the Dark. The host, Paula B., and I also discuss a few of the greats–such as Raymond Carver, Flannery O’Connor, T.C. Boyle, and Edgar Allan Poe–as well as some of their methods and theories on writing short stories. I had a lot of fun doing it and hope listeners enjoy it as well.

You can view the page and listen to or download the interview here:


While you’re at it, click the link to go to Portraits in the Dark on http://www.barnesandnoble.com!

Portraits in the Dark at Barnes and Noble

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One of the authors here on The Writers’ Block has her interview on The Writing Show up and ready for downloading! She is the award-winning author of the popular books Mr. Touchdown and Peace I Ask Thee, Oh River.

The Writing Show is a great site dedicated to showcasing writers and everything having to do with writing–from publishing, seeking agents, entering contests, the time it takes to write–you name it. It’s one of the most popular podcast shows around. Paula Berinstein, the host of the show and site, presents writers with the information they need to pursue their careers. You can find some great links as well as great interviews and other information on The Writing Show website. Educate yourself!

I came across the site a while ago when doing radio marketing research & I’m glad I did. Check it out! And be sure to download the interview with award-winning author Lyda Phillips!

Click here to go to the page and download the interview–> LYDA PHILLIPS INTERVIEW

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News Released: January 15, 2007
(PRLEAP.COM) A new group blog has popped up over at http://www.wordpress.com. The Writers’ Block is a group effort that sprang from a single suggestion posted on an Internet writing site. Like many authors before them, they have all decided that promoting their books and connecting with readers through a group blog can be viable. They post promotional information on their books, thoughts about various issues, and all readers are encouraged to leave comments and questions as well as participate in group discussions. This is an experiment to see if this group that has never met in person, coming from separate backgrounds, and writing in different genres, can come together and form something worthwhile. Please visit The Writers’ Block at http://www.writersgroupblog.wordpress.com for more information.

The Authors:

Jamie Beckett was once a musician, who became a pilot, then found his way into computer science. Along the way he’s worked in garages, on farms and written more newspaper columns and magazine stories than he can keep track of. All of which led him to becoming an author. Burritos and Gasoline is his first published novel. He’s currently working on Sullivan’s Grove, which will hopefully work out well enough to be his second published novel.

Magnolia Belle graduated in 1978 from Tarleton State University. She won first place in the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association Editorial competition in 1977 and is a member of Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. She grew up in the military and has lived in several states as well as the Orient. Currently, the first book in each of her two series, Black Wolf and T’on Ma, is in publication, with others soon to follow. Her work is available on Amazon.

James Buchanan is an author of, primarily, gay male erotic fiction – but also most genres within that (Romance, Horror, Mystery, etc.). His most recent releases include The Darkness and My Brother, Coyote, through Torquere Press. His first published novel will be released through Torquere in November.

Debra J. Gordon is an inspirational writer, UPI guest columnist and peace keeper, on a mission of destiny. She’s been writing since the postage stamp was five cents. Well, maybe seven cents. She was inspired in part by her Uncle Allan McMillan, who was a New York based syndicated columnist and publicist.

Nancy O. Greene started writing at the age of nine. She attended the University of Southern California where she earned a B.A. in Cinema (Critical Studies) and a minor in English (Creative Writing). Portraits in the Dark received the Editor’s Choice award and Publisher’s Choice award from iUniverse. She has written articles for numerous web sites, and two of the short stories featured in Portraits in the Dark: A Collection of Short Stories have both received quarter-finalist and semi-finalist awards from the 10th Annual Writers Network Fiction and Screenplay Competition.

Clary Lopez is an author of inspirational nonfiction. She’s been writing since she was 12 years old. Clary enjoys reading inspirational nonfiction and fiction, memoirs, travel writing, marketing website design, and photography. The launch of her first book transformed her into a publisher/promoter and now she helps other authors do the same.

Made in DNA is an expat American fiction/comic writer living and working in Japan. Currently self-published at Lulu (http://www.lulu.com/dnafiction), and on the lookout for other writers who are interested in sharing their work, as well as their experiences in life. Enjoys speaking to others from different cultures and/or expats living in different countries as they are always an abundance of ideas and energy.

D. H. Schleicher was born in Burlington, New Jersey; attended Elon University in North Carolina and graduated in 2002 with a degree in Psychology while minoring in Criminal Justice. He lived in Charlotte, NC for a few years where he began self-publishing his first novels. His current novel is The Thief Maker. He currently lives in Voorhees, NJ.

Taryn Simpson has written 2 screenplays, 1 book and 3 e-books and is about to have her fictional thriller, “Glittering Secrets” converted to an independent film. She is pursuing Ashley Judd for the title role and expects the film to be pitched to Paramount Pictures sometime in 2007. Her other screenplay, “Conversations with Pearl” garnered attention from the Project Greenlight critics and is currently being shopped to various companies. Taryn’s writing company, Simpson – E Publishing is quickly growing into a very profitable business.

Richmond West has taught philosophy at Fresno State University in California; Red Rocks Community College in Denver; Jacksonville State University in Alabama; the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; and South University in Montgomery, Alabama. He has always been fascinated by the study of religion and philosophy, including philosophy of religion, world religions, and environmental ethics. He also once served as a minister in the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church, but he was never ordained. An empath and a loner, nothing really felt right in Richmond West’s life until he began writing, and now he can’t imagine what his life would be without exercising such creativity. He has been writing since December, 2004. He is currently single—the love of his life is his yellow lab, Heidi.

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The Writers Block
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**UPDATE: Debra J. Gordon & Made in DNA left the group shortly before their initial scheduled posts due to other obligations. The Writers’ Block wishes them well.

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