
Archive for the ‘Fantasy’ Category

It’s been pretty busy for me, personal wise and publishing wise, so instead of the usual thoughts on the writing life, I thought I’d post links to some actual stories I wrote. They’re all in the speculative/fantasy realm, but hey, they’re free and quick to read.

1) Light as Gossamer, published by Mytholog (www.mytholog.com), a webzine that’s sadly folded but still has its material online. The first story I ever published–a different take on the Cinderella story.

2) The Autumn Queen, also published by Mytholog. The Queen likes her tea hot.

3) Daughters of Sarah, published by Third Order Magazine (www.thirdorder.org). Story about a social worker confronting her past through non-existent women.

4) Crimson, published by Tales from the Moonlight Path(www.moonlit-path.com). A flash story that might not be about vampires.

5) Crowntree, published by Ideomancer (www.ideomancer.com). A coming-of-age story of a boy who realizes his friend is not who she seems to be.

I will also have stories published in upcoming issues of Poor Mojo’s Almanac(k) and The Town Drunk, so if you wish to be notified when they come out, subscribe to my blog, Cafe in the Woods. It’s always open and the food is mentally delicious…

Thanks for reading!

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There’s something about seeing your work in print that screams, “You’re a writer!!!”

I know that ezines and podcasts are the wave of the future in the writing world. There are hundreds of websites that have become literary powerhouses. It’s wonderful to be published by them–because they’re easily accessible; in some cases, their stories are free to view. It’s an good way to break into a market when you don’t have any publishing credits to your name.

And yet…and yet…

There’s something strangely tangible in picking up a literary zine and seeing your name printed on it. You can physically touch it, trace the letters of your name with your fingertips. Open it up and see the words you slaved over for several months bonded on glossy, smooth paper. It even smells real.

This month, I got a story printed for the first time. On paper. In ink. And it’s a mind-blowing experience, let me tell you.

I read somewhere that it’s important to get your stories out not only in print, but also on ezines too. Both have their place in the literary world. Both have their own particular tastes and their own sets of readers. A writer needs to learn how to cater to both groups. Still, I think there’s something about a printed story that pounds it into a head that you’ve broken into the writing business. You can hold it directly in your hands. If the power goes off and you can’t access the Internet, it will still be there. You can take it and show it to that uncle who always scoffed at you and shove it into his beady little eyes. “See? I told you I can write!” You know, that uncle who boasts about getting online every night, when actually he means line-dancing at Murray’s. Yes, that uncle.

So if you want to read my story, head on over to Kaleidotrope and purchase Volume #3. It’s only 4 bucks: the same cost as a cup of coffee (in some cases, even less). Then curl up at your favorite coffeeshop/library/park bench/closet in the basement that you go to escape the kids/toilet and give it a read. Can’t do that with a computer…unless you got one of those fancy phone…and even then, you’d probably have to squint…

Me? I’m going to go smell my name again.

Ahhhhhh. Heaven.

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From CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/books/09/17/obit.jordan.ap/index.html?iref=newssearch

“‘Wheel of Time’ author dead at 58

CHARLESTON, South Carolina (AP) — Author Robert Jordan, whose “Wheel of Time” series of fantasy novels sold millions of copies, has died of a rare blood disease, his aide said Monday. He was 58.

Jordan, whose real name was James Oliver Rigney Jr., died Sunday at the Medical University of South Carolina of complications from primary amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy, his personal assistant, Maria Simons, said. The disease attacks the body’s major organs; in Jordan’s case, it caused the walls of his heart to thicken.

He wrote a trilogy of historical novels set in Charleston under the pen name Reagan O’Neal in the early 1980s. Then he turned his attention to fantasy and the first volume in his Wheel of Time epic, “The Eye of the World,” was published in 1990 under the name Robert Jordan.

Jordan’s books tells of Rand al’Thor, who is destined to become the champion who will battle ultimate evil in a mythical land.

Book 11, “Knife of Dreams,” came out in 2005; there was also a prequel, “New Spring: The Novel,” in 2004. The other titles in the series include “The Great Hunt,” “Lord of Chaos” and “The Path of Daggers.” Jordan was working on a 12th volume at the time of his death, Simons said.

He is survived by his wife, Harriet McDougal Rigney.”


I would count Robert Jordan as one of the top fantasy authors who got me into writing in the first place. Many criticize that his epic style of writing went overly long–and I myself only got as far as book six of his “WOT” series. But it still is sad to hear he passed away just as he was working on the last book.

This, coupled with Madeline L’engle’s death a week ago, is truly shaping to be a sad month for the fantasy world indeed.

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I would count Madeline L’Engle as an author who got me into writing. I read her books as a kid, yes and deeply loved them. But it wasn’t until I read “Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art” several years ago that I began to seriously think about writing again. I had always meant to write a letter to her thanking her for writing the book, but I also knew she was sick for the longest time, so I didn’t.

Rest in Peace, Ms. L’Engle. Your books were such a great inspiration to me. I know one day we’ll meet in heaven and we’ll talk face to face, you and I.

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