
Archive for the ‘China’ Category

A week ago or so I received an email:

Dear Ms. Simpson:

We have received THE MANGO TREE CAFE for entry in the 2008 Pulitzer Prize competition.

The entry is complete with books, entry form, entry fee, bio and photo.

Thank you for your entry.

Sincerely,Claudia Weissberg
— Claudia Stone Weissberg
Website Manager
The Pulitzer Prizes
Columbia University
2950 BroadwayMail Code 3865
New York, NY 10027 USA

And, 36 words later…my life is changed.

Taryn Simpson is a freelance ghostwriter who recently completed a novel, “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road” with her co-author who resides in Beijing, China. The novel is currently competing for a Pulitzer Prize for Best Fiction Novel. Read more about the book here: http://www.MangoTreeCafe-LoiKrohRoad.blogspot.com

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Well, the time is drawing near when “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Roadwill be on display at The International Book Fair in Beijing. The book is scheduled to be shown by the Jenkins Book Group to various book retailers that are looking for books to stock on their shelves.

I can tell you that from the looks of things, the novel has been practically flying off the virtual shelves at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com!

If you’re in the area on Aug 30, 2007 – Sep 3, 2007, please feel free to meet Alan Solomon at this book fair.

Taryn Simpson is a professional ghostwriter specializing in novels. To read more about Taryn’s work, read the latest article from The Tennessean: Ghostwriter Connects across Continents

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What a fascinating time I had with Taryn. Originally we were going to have her co-author join us from China yet, unfortunately he was on call on his regular job yet Taryn has a wealth of knowledge about whether to self-publish or not, what a ghost writer is, collaborating by email ~ which she and Alan did; not yet having EVER spoken with each other ~ and then, the story of their book ~ The Mango Tree Cafe; Loi Kroh Road.

What a fascinating story I had the pleasure of reading. Taking place in Thailand the story weaves around the main character Larry and how he went from living on a farm to being gently urged by his father to do more with his life. With that, the tale begins and centers around the characters on Loi Kroh Road; his love for Heather and Noo, having the “sight” and what he learned in that time. This is a definite “must read”. Please enjoy our interview.



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Not only is the book reading like a Who’s Who, read below for the HUGE NEWS!

“The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road” is….

* Being shown at the Beijing, China International Book Fair at the end of this month

* Competing for Best Fiction Novel according to USABookNews.com

* Accumulating Interview Requests from

– Linda Della Donna (http://www.griefcase.blogspot.com/)
– Revvell (http://www.revvellations.com/)
– Virtual Book Review (http://www.virtualbookreview.com/)

* Selected as Book of the Month to read by an Australian book club

* Advertised heavily in “Ideas, Goals and Dreams” Magazine to premier in Sept 2007

* Scheduled to be translated into Chinese and Mandarin languages


“The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road” will compete for

Best Fiction Novel for the Pulitzer Prize!!!!


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Welcome Readers! Have I got a treat for you. Recently, I caught up with authors, Alan Solomon and Taryn Simpson and asked for an email interview. Solomon and Simpson teamed up to write The Mango Tree Cafe’ Loi Kroh Road. What is stunning about this union, is Solomon makes his home in Asia, and Simpson resides in the USA.

Here’s what Taryn Simpson and Alan Solomon had to say:
How did you come across this project?

TS: A writer friend of mine got a lead from a gentleman that had written a rough draft of a book and needed someone to “punch it up”. She forwarded the book to me because it was fiction and she knows that it’s my speciality. I thought it was going to be ‘just another writing job’. Enter Alan Solomon and The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road. I read the synopsis he wrote for the book and was immediately taken with it. Why did you write this book?

AS: I received the power to write this novel from the moment I entered Loi Kroh Road and felt the mysterious magic of the street.

What was it like working with another author from a different part of the world? Were there barriers? Name one?

TS: Absolutely! Being an American, it’s hard for me to fathom that people in other countries don’t have the same freedoms that we do. Even when it comes to something minor such as the internet. If you have lived in the USA your entire life, you tend to adopt the mindset of “If I have a certain freedom, surely everyone else has it too”. Although watching the news I know differently. It’s just different when you become aware of how rich our freedoms are in this country when you hear people from different parts of the country talk about certain limitations they have. For example, when I created the blog for the book, Alan wasn’t able to see it online for quite some time due to China’s strict internet laws. TS (continues): Another barrier was I had a certain time frame where I could catch Alan on line. Remember, if the time in Nashville, TN USA is 8pm, it is 8am in Beijing. So, when I’m winding down from the day, Alan is beginning his. From 7:30pm my time until however late I could make myself stay up is when we had brief conversations about the book. Once I logged off for the night, Alan would leave me emails for the next morning (which is his night!). It was crazy!

AS: No barriers working with Taryn, Taryn was so enthusiastic and so helpful, for me it was like we were seated in the same bar side-by-side discussing our next move.

How long did it take you to write The Mango Tree Cafe’? Were friends, family members supportive?

TS: Well, that’s hard to say. Although the book was written, I re-wrote roughly half of it and added/deleted sections of the book. Generally a novel takes 2-3 months or maybe more. That’s not including editing. Yes, my partner endured many conversations about the book. When I become enthralled with a book, look out. I talk about it non-stop!

AS: The novel from start to finish took around 4 years, however the ‘pull’ to write was in my head for as long as I can remember, probably in High School. My family and friends never knew I was writing the Mango Tree Cafe, however if they had known they would have been supportive with a roar of laughter.

Without giving too much away, what is your favorite part of The Mango Tree Cafe? Do you have one?

TS: Oh, this is going to be difficult. Overall, I loved the fact that I got “lost” in this book as a reader. I’ve never been to Thailand and never had a yen to go. But, the events of the novel were so real to me that I felt like I have been there. It was a very strange feeling. And, meeting people in Nashville that had actually been there was just surreal. TS (continues): I love many sections of the book. The ones that stand out in my mind is the metamorphisis the main character goes through. It covers from the time he is a child to current age of around 50ish. He is able to gain a realization about himself and his father which is very melancholy at best. It’s a sweet, sad, and all too painfully familiar feeling of knowing what it feels like to be so ultimately different from others and realizing that regardless of the lifestyle you lead, you can’t run from what is inside yourself. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is a very poignant story. I promise you will be in tears at the end. Not to mention that the setting includes visions of a lush jungle full of exotic fish, elephants and street dogs. I tried to put that feel in the You Tube video I did for it.

AS: In the novel there are many personal favorite parts I enjoy, however I guess if I had to identify just one part I would have to say it was when Larry realized he lost his only love Noo and to the end of the novel believed he was hearing her and seeing her and that someday she would return to him.

Did you accomplish everything you set out to do when writing this story?/strong>

TS: I think so. This question would probably be better served if answered by Alan Solomon. But, after he read the final draft I sent him. I could tell he was quite pleased.

AS: Yes I believe so.

What do you want readers to come away with after reading your story?

TS: I have to remind people that the story was created by Alan. But I want people to come away with whatever makes them think about the book. It has a lot of messages and there is one for everybody. I loved how the book describes the misfits of Loi Kroh Road as beautiful and exotic. Yet, the lives they lead were very gritty and difficult.

AS: Questioning life and how things happen to us as we travel through life which we can miss unless we are alert and seize the moment.

Are you working on anything at this time? Can you share what it is? TS: I’m having to FORCE myself to move on from this book! LOL. I’m marketing the heck out of it as we speak. But, I have a couple of ideas for books that I am working on. The Mango Tree book has created a real desire in me to start writing “literary fiction” much in the same vein as “The Color Purple”, or “A River Runs Through it”. This book is pivotal in my career. My next book is tentatively entitled “Invisible Fences”. Although it can change.

AS: I am thinking all the time, I watch and listen and keep a notebook. Something may happen. I am not too sure.

Any advice to a writer in the process of writing her own book?

TS: Some writers will say write at any cost. I say write when you have alone time and if you don’t have it, make time to write. Even if it is for 10 or 20 minutes a day. Don’t be discouraged. Get it down. Worry about deleting or editing later. Listen to music or do an activity such as people watching that will help you get in the mood for what you are writing because I think it bleeds through.

AS: Place a mirror on your writing desk and as you write occasionally look up and you will see what your next line is to be, because looking right back at you will be the lines, the eyes sending you the message and experience of life.

Thank you, Taryn, Thank you, Alan, for your time. Much success with The Mango Tree Cafe Loi Kroh Road. I’m off to do get a mirror and do the 10-20 minute-a-day writing thing!

You have permission to contact Linda Della Donna to do an interview at littleredmailbox@aol.com


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I know that title sounds awfully conceited, but I assure you, I am truly blessed to have had this project plop into my lap as it did. I feel like I just co-wrote the best book of my career. And, this magical book has provided some opportunities and surprises along the way:

1. The book was shipped to New York last week and is on its way to the Beijing, China International Book Fair. Hopefully, the book sellers in this region will request to carry the book in their stores which will increase the book’s popularity.

2. Someone created a Yahoo group for the Book! It’s called “MangoTreeCafe” and everyone reading this blog is welcome to join by CLICKING HERE

3. As I mentioned before, the book is for sale and you can order a copy (or several hundred!) by CLICKING HERE

4. Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank everyone here at the Writer’s Block for being patient while I blabbed incessantly about “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road”! Its an important book and I believe will be very successful (From my mouth, to God’s ear as my grandmother always said).



I would love to hear from anyone who has bought the book. Now to continue Marketing the book. A writer’s job is never done. 🙂

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My partner and I have decided to self-publish and with good reason. The Beijing Book Fair is coming up in August and my partner would like to pander our wares to book sellers.

We also decided to self-publish because of a newsletter I received yesterday. It was from a well-known author that stated she published with Lulu.com because no one, including agents and publishers would pay attention to her because she was a “nobody”. She began self publishing her book and sent it to another author with better connections and she was blown away.

This blown away author sent it to her agent who in turn sent it to a large publishing house who decided to buy it. That’s the way it is these days…unless you have the collateral to appease a Simon and Schuster or Random House, authors have to fend for themselves and show that “the proof is in the pudding”.

This powerful book (if I do say so myself) will be offered shortly on Barnes and Noble and Amazon as well as the blog. When that happens, you can rest asuured that I will blab all about it right here.

Just think; 1 author in Beijing, China; the other in Nashville, TN, 1 internet connection = 1 helluva good read.

Taryn Simpson is a professional ghostwriter and has recently completed a novel with her writing partner, Alan Solomon, “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road”. Keep up with the latest on the book and how it fares at the Beijing, China Book Fair. http://www.MangoTreeCafe-LoiKrohRoad.blogspot.com

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It’s funny, sometimes the obvious can hit you right in the middle of your face and until someone points it out, you don’t really notice it.

I was chatting with my writing partner who happens to live in Beijing, China and he mentioned that he was trying to steer business my way. You gotta love that Alan Solomon!

Anyway, he typed in an instant message last night the following:

“…I have a couple of mates that look like they will be interested in your services…”
My Response:

…”Ghostwriting? Articles? what do you think they are interested in?”

Alan’s Response:

...”You know, what you do best. Creating those Book trailers, Book Doctoring and Book Promotion.”
I stopped tippity tapping on my keyboard and stared at the screen. Sure, I created a Book Trailer for our novel and have been promoting “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road” like crazy, but I did it because it is OUR novel.

Then it hit me, many people that approach me to ghost for them don’t have the experise of marketing themselves nor the patience or program to make Book Trailers. I realized that I just might be really good at the Trailers when I began to get so many positive comments from people stating how powerful the images, music and written text, etc. was on The Mango Tree Cafe trailer on You Tube.

In fact, writing colleague of mine who I respect a great deal scrapped her existing trailer and hired me to create one for her newest book.

So, here are the newest services I offer: Book Trailers, Book Promotion, and Making Banners for websites/blogs. To take a look at my Book Trailer, v=aQD0R5IXOhs”>CLICK HERE

To check out my Book Promotion, type in the following phrase: “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road” on any of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo or AOL.

Who knew I could do these things? It was as plain as the nose on my face.

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In a age when writers rarely fingerhug a pen or type on a typewriter, it seems that writers these days must wear multiple hats in order to be successful.

Not only do you need to know how to write a variety of communication pieces such as articles, web content, blogs, novels and more….there is also the marketing of the writing, keeping up with the latest promotions, blogging and guest blogging as well as working on clients’ materials.

Now we have what is called “Book Trailers”. I am a huge fan of this medium and yes, I did it. I made a trailer of “The Mango Tree Cafe, Loi Kroh Road” before it is even published. Why? First and foremost, I believe in the book THAT much. I feel it is easily one of the best books I ever had a hand in creating. Number Two: I am hoping to catch the publisher or agent’s eyes by creating a great marketing piece.

I would invite all of you to watch my blog and PLEASE, leave a comment. And, if you need someone to create YOUR trailer….I can do that too (sheepish grin).

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Writing a book, no matter how prolific a writer you are can be a difficult proposition as previous posters have attested to.

Imagine co-writing a book in middle-America with someone half a world away! I’m so proud to announce that “The Mango Tree Cafe’, Loi Kroh Road” is going through the “primping” stages of getting it ready to present to publishers and agents, not necessarily in that order.

I’ve been documenting the writing progress of the novel on a blog where I think this is the first time where a book was being marketed and written at the same time.

In any event, the blog can be accessed by clicking HERE

The other co-author, Alan Solomon resides in Beijing, China and had a feature story done by The International School of Beijing which has a readership of approximately 5,000 people. People are already buzzing about the book internationally and that is great news. In fact, people have been requesting to be a guest blogger. You can too!

I’m checking the stats of the blog, and some of the countries/states that are reading about the book are: United States (NY,CT,RI,MA,VT,NJ,DC,IL,TN,KY,SD,KS,WI,AR,AL,GA,FL,LA,TX,MS,NV,CA,OR,NM) Canada, U.K.,France,Germany,Singapore, Hong Kong,New Zealand,Australia,Israel and more.

Leave a post or contact me to be a Guest Blogger. You’ll be read all around the world. Keep the buzz going….

Taryn Simpson is a published author and Ghostwriter and is currently co-authoring “The Mango Tree Cafe’, Loi Kroh Road” with Alan Solomon in Beijing, China. Be sure to read all about the book and how you can share in the buzz.

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